Kasich shift disappoints Ohio agricultural organizations

| June 18, 2018

June 18, 2018


 Governor John Kasich

77 S. High Street

Columbus, OH 43215


Dear Governor Kasich:

We write as representatives of Ohio’s agricultural community and one of the largest industries in the state helping to provide jobs for 1 out of every 8 Ohioans. This letter is to share our concerns and frustrations with your consideration of a unilateral executive action on water quality targeted at agriculture.

As we have shared before, we firmly believe it is tremendously important for discussions such as this to include policymakers from the administration, the legislature and stakeholders. The agricultural community must be engaged in a collaborative effort to resolve issues surrounding timing, regulatory conformity, and financial, educational and implementation resources. Issuing blanket executive orders is simply not appropriate and something we strongly oppose.

For a governor that prides himself on transparency and inclusiveness, it is disappointing at best that you are considering an executive action yet members of your administration have been unwilling to meet or provide any detail of your intentions.  As our farmers face the lowest farm income in 12 years and repeated media attacks questioning their integrity and desire to be good stewards, it is disheartening to these hard working families to feel that their voices are not being heard.

There is substantial scientific data showing the tremendous work and progress that has been made across the agricultural landscape. We would be willing to share that information if given the opportunity. We also know that our agricultural landscape is very unique, and a politically expedient and one-sized fits all regulatory approach is not effective.

To remain a viable industry that provides affordable and wholesome food to consumers, we must continue to promote science driven farm management practices.  Despite the uncertainties of the regulatory and political landscape, our members remain steadfast in their efforts to improve water quality.


Kasich shift disappoints Ohio agricultural organizations

Gov. John Kasich appears ready to abandon his common sense approach to governance while ignoring the voluntary conservation efforts, scientific research and mandatory compliance efforts Ohio farm families are implementing to improve water quality.

A group of leading Ohio agricultural organizations is calling on Kasich to engage the industry in his administration's approach to protecting Lake Erie.

The governor and his representatives have been quoted in the media saying they plan to place restrictions on farming practices through executive order.  

Farmers and agribusiness leaders, who supported Kasich’s “Common Sense Initiative,” are unhappy that the governor appears ready to disregard the promises made on his first day in office.

His executive order that created the Common Sense Initiative states “agencies should develop regulations in the full light of public scrutiny, and the public should have an opportunity to help shape those regulations.”

“From what we understand, the governor has not talked to lawmakers or anyone who will have to deal with the consequences of an executive order. I can tell you for a fact, any decision is being made without input from the ag community,” said Tadd Nicholson, executive director of Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association.

Leaders of the Ohio AgriBusiness Association, Ohio Cattlemen’s Association, Ohio Corn and Wheat Growers Association, Ohio Dairy Producers Association, Ohio Farm Bureau, Ohio Pork Council, Ohio Poultry Association, Ohio Sheep Improvement Association and Ohio Soybean Association are frustrated that the Kasich administration has not engaged the industry in such a consequential matter. The groups believe the executive action will create broad controls over farmers who are working to reduce nutrient runoff that contributes to algae formation in Lake Erie. It likely will closely mirror legislation the administration previously attempted to introduce but failed when it was unable to secure a sponsor.  

Separate legislation, called Clean Lake 2020, has gained the support of lawmakers, farmers and members of the environmental community. It unanimously passed in the Ohio Senate and Ohio House and is headed to the governor. The farm groups would like to see the Kasich administration embrace the legislation, which reflects the Common Sense Initiative’s stated priority of “compliance, not punishment.”

Adam Sharp, executive vice president of Ohio Farm Bureau, said the agriculture groups have an open door to policymakers who want to take a collaborative approach to dealing with an extremely complex challenge.

“The importance of fixing the lake’s problems can not be overstated. Going about it the right way is equally important,” Sharp said. He added, “We can help the lake without hurting our ability to produce food and create jobs.”